Sure Best Serum
Saiz bungkusan: 20gm per tiub

Distillated water, Choroterus Crispus, Glucose, Ethoxydidlycol, Methyl Chloroisothiazolinone, Methyl isothiazolinone, Butea Superba extract, Uncaria gambir extract, Leech extract, fragrance.

Arahan & Perhatian:

1. Untuk kesan yang lebih baik, bersihkan kawasan penis sebelum menggunakan serum
2. Sesuai digunakan oleh orang yang sudah berkahwin dan aktif
3. Sapu dan gunakan 3 minit sebelum bersetubuh
4. Untuk kegunaan luaran sahaja
5. Jauhi daripada kanak-kanak, dapatkan nasihat doktor jika masalah berlarutan
6. Gunakan di kawasan yang diperlukan bila perlu sahaja
7. Keberkesanannya mungkin berbeza bergantung kepada seseorang


1. Masa eraksi(ketegangan) lebih lama
2. Eraksi lebih keras dan kuat
3. Mengecapi dan mengekalkan kuasa eraksi
4. Untuk melindungi kasakitan luaran kecil
5. Untuk mengawal proses ejakulasi

Cara Penyimpanan: Simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering. Jauhi daripada kanak-kanak

Proses kawalan kualiti:
1. Ujian fizikal
2. Ujian warna / bau
3. Ujian berat
4. Ujian kestabilan


Uncaria Gambir Extract

Gambir ditemui di Sarawak adalah pohon yang rendah. Ia popular digunakan untuk dikunyah bersama pinang. Terdahulu, kira-kira ¼ daripada keseluruhan pinang dibalut didalam daun (sireh) dengan secubit kapur dan sedikit gambir sebagai perasa, ia dikunyah dan akan mengeluarkan jus tersendiri. Selain daripada itu, gambir juga dikenali untuk digunakan sabagai bahan penting dalam masakan.

Gambir Sarawak selalunya digunakan sabagai bantuan seks untuk “tambah power” seperti yang dilaporkan. Ia biasanya digunakan oleh golongan lelaki untuk prolog (versi tempatan spanish) eraksi penis. Kegunaan gambir ringkas, diambil dalam jumlah sedikit dan dicadangkan untuk pengguna baru sabagai menigkatkan ghairah terhadap seksual. Walaupun ia biasa digunakan oleh lelaki, ada laporan yang mengatakan bahawa golongan wanita juga ada menggunakan gambir kerana sukakan sensasi rasa hangat pada labia dan mencapai tahap orgasma bersama insan tersayang berikutan rasa hangat itu. Setakat ini tidak terdapat laporan mengenai kesan sampingan atau alahan berikutan gambir merupakan bahan semulajadi. Jika masih ragu-ragu, cuba di permukaan kecil kulit sebelum menggunakannya di keseluruhan bahagian.

Butea Superba Extract

Butea Superba merupakan endemik spesis Thailand dan sejak dahulu digunakan sebagai ubat tradisional untuk tonik and awet muda di Thailand. Ia adalah tumbuhan merayap yang tumbuh bersama pokok lain. Akar nya yang jauh di dasar bumi mengandungi banyak phytochemical yang memberi banyak kebaikan kepada kesihatan manusia.
Keputusan daripada kajian memastikan bahawa bahan kimia tersebut tidak mutagenik (berubah) dan akan membuatkan seseorang teransang terutama pada penis dan hampir sama kesannya dengan Viagra tetapi lancar dan meningkatkan eraksi.
Produk yang dikeluarkan oleh syarikat kami telah diuji di merata negara dan berkesan kapada lelaki biasa mahupun kapada mereka yang mempunyai masalah eraksi.
Bagi mereka yang mati pucuk, dadah adalah cara biasa yang diambil oleh mereka walaubagaimanapun ia memberikan kesan buruk dan mungkin boleh membawa maut. Berbeza dengan penggunaan produk yang berasaskan bahan semulajadi seperti Butea Superba, ia lembut dan merupakan alternatf yang selamat.

Kesan Butea Superba kepada penis

Proses bermula apabila seseorang itu memikirkan perkara-perkara seksual. Fikiran kemudian menggerakkan isyarat kepada penis. Di sini saraf cavernosal melepaskan gas nitrik. Dengan pantas gas tersebut menembusi sel otot hingga ke tisu penis. Gas nitrik membuatkan sel menghasilkan pati dipanggil Cyclic Guanine Mono Phosphate (C GMP) yang memberikan rasa relaks dan mewah.

Arteri menegangkan penis dan membuatkan otot relaks, tisu mengembang dan menegang di dalam pundi seterusnya melancarkan peredaran darah. Bahagian utama penis, corpus cavernous, menjadi selesa apabila vinal mengurangkan tekanan darah sehingga ke membran luar penis yang mengeras itu.

Keputusan Eraksi

Arteri (kiri) dan vinal (kanan) menembusi sepanjang kapilari hingga ke penis iaitu corpora cavernosa dan corpus spongiosum. Eraksi terjadi apabila otot relaks membenarkan corpora cavernosa dipenuhi dengan darah yang baru melalui arteri apabila darah yang telah digunakan dibawa keluar melalui vinal.

Fungsi Penis

Penis dipenuhi tisu yang dipanggil Corpora Carvernosa (CC) dan Corpus Spongiosum (CS). Corpora Carvernosa (CC) adalah span seperti tisu yang memerangkap darah semasa eraksi. Corpus Spongiosum yang berada disepanjang penis adalah pusat saraf penis. Apabila fizikal atau psycologikal seksual diransang, darah akan mengalir di bahagian ini. Dalam masa yang sama, peratusan darah yang mengalir keluar berkurangan buat sementara waktu. Keputusannya, darah terperangkap di bahagian ini dan penis akan menegang. Seperti bahagian badan lain, penis memerlukan senaman untuk lebih kuat dan besar. Senaman penis melancarkan peredaran darah semasa eraksi. Salah satu teknik senaman yang selalu digunakan adalah Jelging. Secara asasnya Jelging dari Arab, ia telah diamalkan beribu tahun sabagai satu proses perubahan kepada seseorang yang cukup umur (akil baligh).

Objektif senaman pembesaran penis adalah untuk merehatkan dinding sel Corpora Carvernosa (CC) dengan memaksa darah ke bahagian itu. Penis memainkan peranannya pada masa ini, dan membaiki sel nya membuatkan dinding sel lebih kuat dan besar. Hal ini membuatkan penis memperoleh jumlah darah lebih banyak semasa eraksi. Dengan mengulangi senaman ini dengan lebih keap lagi ia akan membuatkan penis lebih kuat dan besar.
Saiz penis adalah terhad secara maksimum apabila corpora carvernosa dipenuhi darah semasa eraksi. Dalam erti kata lain, secara fizikal mustahil penis akan membesar dengan sendirinya.

Minyak lintah diperbuat daripada lintah perubatan (Hirudo Medicinalis) yang mengandungi:

• Anaesthetic
• Vasolidator
• Hyaluronidase
• Hirudin

Biasanya, minyak lintah melancarkan peredaran darah samasa eraksi. Semasa penggunaannya, vasodilator membuatkan perjalanan darah di penis dikembangkan. Dalam masa yang sama, Hirudin yang terkandung di dalam minyak lintah akan memperbaiki peredaran darah di penis dengan mengawal darah yang tidak aktif dalan kapilari. Hirudin juga menyebabkan lebih banyak jumlah darah terperangkap di dalam otot seperti kertas tisu. Selain itu, Hirudin juga menggalakkan proses semulajadi pembaharuan perjalanan darah di penis. Anesthetic di dalam minyak lintah melambatkan proses di penis dan secara lansung seseorang itu mengalami proses eraksi lebih lama semasa persetubuhan. Hyaluronidase akan membantu bahan-bahan lain yang terkandung dalam minyak lintah terhadap penis yang akan membuatkan penis berfungsi dengan lebih cepat, kerana lebih banyak darah yang akan mengalir ke dalam penis.

( English Version)

Size of Packaging: 20gm per tube

Distillated Water, Choroterus Crispus, Glucose, Ethoxydiglycol, Methyl

Chloroisothiazolinone, Methyl isothiazolinone, Butea Superba extract, Uncaria gambir

extract, Leech extract, fragrance.


1. For effective result, apply serum after washing penis area.
2. Suitable used for married person and active men.
3. Wipe and apply 3minute before intercourse.
4. External uses only.
5. Keep reach out from children and consult a doctor if problem persist.
6. Use to the needed place when necessary only.
7. The affect might differ with each individual.
1. Longer lasting erection
2. Stronger and harder erection
3. Get and maintain powerful erections
4. to cure external minor injury
5. to control ejaculation process
STORAGE:Keep in cool and dry place. Keep reach out from children

1. Physical appearance test
2. Colour/odour test
3. Weighing test
4. Stability Test

Uncaria Gambir Extract

Gambir found in Sarawak is actually atree/shrub, that used to be popular for chewing with

betel nut. Traditionally about 1/4 of a whole betel nut would be wrap inside a leaf with a
pinch of lime and a little gambir flavoring, the whole quid would be chewed, swallowing the
secreted juices. Beside that, its also known to be used as an important leather tanning

Gambir Sarawak is mostly sought after as a sex aid. Aphrodisiac or "tambah power" as some

claimed. Its normally used by men to prolong (local version of spanish fly) and help penis

erections. Usage of gambir is simple and small amount are recommended for first time user as

the sensation could be overwhelming.
Although it's mainly used by men, there have been reports that women that uses them, loves
the burning sensation on their clitoris / labia and have achieved multiple orgasms due to

the tingling sensation and the prolong performance by their lover. There has not been any

report of side affect or allergy due to gambir as it is made from natural organic material.

If unsure, do try on a small skin surface before hand.

Butea Superba extract
Butea superba is Thailand’s endemic species and was used as traditional medicine for tonic
and rejuvenile for a long time in Thailand. It is a big vine grown in association with the

trees. The long underground tuberous root accumulates many phytochemicals that are very

benefit to human health.
The results from the study of researchers confirmed that these chemicals are

non-mutagenic and could induce vasodilatation especially at the penis with very similar

reaction as did by Viagra but smoothly and thus elevate its erectile performance.
The Products Percolated from our company has been tested in many countries and

confirms that it works in normal male as well as most of the Erectile Dysfunction male.
While the commercial Erectile Dysfunction-treated drug is a great interested product

despite it’s serious adverse effect which some are related to death, a herbal product such

as Butea superba with soft but safe action should be an alternative.
Researchers had found that Butea superba products could be in both forms; ingest product

such as a health food product and a topical application product such as a serum cosmetic


Effect of Butea superba to penis

The process starts with the brain registering a sexual stimulus. The brain then orchestrates

a cascade of nerve signals that run through the spinal cord to the penis. Here, the

cavernosal nerves release nitric oxide, a gas that quickly penetrates the smooth muscle

cells that form the penis' spongy tissue. The nitric oxide causes the cells to produce a

substance called the cyclic guanine mono phosphate (c GMP), which has an expansive, relaxing

The arteries feeding the penis expand and the smooth muscle relaxes, opening up tiny sacs in

the erectile tissue that then swell with blood. The two main chambers of the penis, the

corpus cavernous, fill and the organ becomes so engorged that the veins that usually drain
away blood are pressed shut against the tough outer membrane of the erectile chambers.

The result is erection:

Arteries [left] and veins [Right] penetrate the long, filled carities running the length of

the penis-the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. Erection occurs when relaxed

muscles allow the corpora cavernosa to fill with excess blood fed by the arteries, while

drainage of blood through the veins.

How Penis Function
The penis is mainly made of tissue called Corpora Carvernosa (CC) and Corpus Spongiosum

(CS). Corpora Carnevosa (CC) is a sponge-like tissue that traps bloods during erection.

Corpus Spongiosum that runs along the length of the penis is the nerves center for penis.

When physical or psychological sexual stimulation is applied, blood will flow into these

compartments. Concurrently, the rate of blood leaving them is also temporarily reduced. As a

result, bloods are trapped in these compartments and the penis is erected. Below is the

illustration of penis interna
The penis is mainly made of tissue called Corpora Carvernosa (CC) and Corpus Spongiosum

(CS). Corpora Carnevosa (CC) is a sponge-like tissue that traps bloods during erection.

Corpus Spongiosum that runs along the length of the penis is the nerves center for penis.

When physical or psychological sexual stimulation is applied, blood will flow into these

compartments. Concurrently, the rate of blood leaving them is also temporarily reduced. As a

result, bloods are trapped in these compartments and the penis is erected. Below is the

illustration of penis internal structure.

Like any other part of the body, penis can be exercised and developed larger and stronger.

Exercising penis will allow it retain more blood during erection. One of the most widely

used penises exercising technique is the Jelqing. Originated from Arab, Jelqing has been

used for thousands of years as one of the transformation process of puberty into adulthood.

The objective of penis enlargement exercise is to break the cell walls of Corpora Carvernosa

(CC) by forcing extra blood into them. The penis reacts to this and repairs itself by

growing the cell walls larger and stronger each time. This will allow the penis to hold more

volume of blood during erection. By repeating the exercise over a period of time, the penis

will simply become longer and stronger.

Penis size is limited by the maximum in which Corpora Carvernosa can be filled with blood

during erection. In other word, it is physically impossible for penis to grow in size by

Leech oil is mainly made from extracts of medicinal leeches (Hirudo Medicinalis) which

• Anesthetic
• Vasolidator
• Hyaluronidase
• Hirudin
Generally, Leech oil works by improving blood flow into the penis during erection. Upon

application, the vasodilator will cause the blood vessels in penis to be dilated. At the

same time, Hirudin in Leech oil will improve blood circulation in penis by recovering the

inactive blood vessels and capillaries. Hirudin will also improve blood circulation inside

Corpora Carvernosa (CC) and Corpus Spongiosum (CS) causing more amount of blood being

trapped inside these sponge-like tissues. Apart from it Hirudin also encourages the natural

process of regeneration of blood vessels along the length of penis. The Anesthetic component

of Leech oil then gives a slightly numbing experience on the penis to give longer erection

during sexual intercourse. Above all this, Hyaluronidase will help in dispersing all these

components into the penis tissue more quickly causing more amount of blood to be drawn into
